Locks are designed to protect our houses from unwanted external factors.
They are attached to every house’s entrance and exit points to imply its exclusivity to those who have the keys.
Having locks already promote safety and security, so what more if they are high security locks?
Upgrading your standard locks into high security locks improves your house’s condition and the inhabitants.
They are composed of materials that are proven to provide more protection.
Never risk your house’s condition and your family by being complacent, especially if your locks are already old or damaged.
If you are looking for a mobile locksmith in Durham to install high security locks in your home, we got you covered.
Call Locks&Load Durham for affordable quality locksmith services.
If not, read further to learn why we highly suggest upgrading your locks.
We have here the high security locks’ four characteristics.
Resistant to Picking and Drilling
High security locks are resistant to the picking and drilling methods of the offenders, decreasing the chances of experiencing a break-in.
On the other hand, standard locks are mostly susceptible to pick and drill.
They are composed of pin-and-tumbler locks, making them vulnerable to a standard lock picking method called bumping, wherein offenders use a unique key to open it briefly.
Experienced thieves acquire lock picking tools like bumper keys to do their business.
While it seems easy for them to do a break-in, we, locksmiths, should always be one step ahead of them.
As a result, locksmiths produced high security locks to avoid these traumatic break-in incidents.
High security locks are manufactured with key cylinders that are pick and drill-resistant.
They have hardened steel rotating pins, inserts, sidebars, and more specifically designed these kinds of attempts.
Additionally, they withstand any manipulation, trespassing, and forced entry attacks better than the standard ones.
In fact, most reports show that properties equipped with high security locks have lower chances of getting invaded.
It is because thieves are disappointed to encounter this type of locks as they are difficult to pick; not worth their time and effort.
As evident in its name, high standard locks indeed provide a “high” form of security—a higher one, honestly speaking.
They are designed as heavy-duty.
High security locks are designed as heavy duty.
As mentioned, they have a heightened level of security from thieves, avoiding any break-in attempts.
Apart from its guaranteed protection from offenders, it also gives an extra defense to other external factors and tough physical conditions.
Hence, they are perfect for public places that are exposed to humidity or prone to natural disasters.
They can overcome strong forces that may strain standard locks.
To withstand the weather and other factors out of hand, consider a heavy-duty lock.
Choosing this type will reduce your anxieties because they are designed to ensure a superior level of security in any problematic situations and even extensive use.
Furthermore, they are primarily fire-rated heavy-duty hardware that is certified against storms.
The hardware is stainless, and heavy-gauge steel throws to resist crowbar and sawing attempts.
Security Layering
Everything seems to be covered already, but there is more!
We will repeatedly reiterate that high security locks provide an extra level of security that goes beyond electrical and mechanical locks.
There are many ways to enhance your already high security locks, and it is called security layering.
If you have already installed them, you can apply multiple security layers like video surveillance, access control, intrusion alarms, software, fingerprint, and many more.
With modernity, more layers can arrive every now and then.
Having them installed in your home gives the security level that will not leave a trace of overthinking in your mind.
You will be confident and comfortable that you will never experience a break-in.
No Key Duplications
Another characteristic of high security locks is their limited to no key copying.
Unless authorized by you, key copying, rekey, and duplications are challenging to do so by any locksmiths.
It means that once they belong to you, they will exclusively belong to you, leaving any trace of possibilities to experience a break-in.
Locks&Load Durham
Have you considered installing high security locks in your home?
Call a mobile locksmith in Durham now for appointments.
Locks&Load Durham is a locksmith company composed of skilled professional locksmiths who have garnered years of experience in the industry.